Monday, June 28, 2010

Zambia and Beyond

Well, after an amazing 5 days in Zambia we have finished our GAP tour, said sad goodbyes to our new amazing friends and took off to South Africa. While in Zambia we did some amazing things.

  • We rafted the Zambezi and had the most amazingly fun day EVER! It was scary just getting to the river as we had to descent down a massive gorge with all our gear. I was terrified and fully questioning my sanity but as soon as we hot the first rapid and the adrenaline started flowing it was fantastic.
  • We took a soccer ball and some school supplies into a very small village outside of Livingstone where they don't have running water or electricity and spent the afternoon playing football and games with all the kids. It was a moving and touching experience. And it was just something we made happen. it was not a planned tour or group. just 7 of us from the GAP trip wanting to get out and see the real people of Zambia. It was something I will not soon forget.
  • We went out for an authentic Zambian dinner and had the most amazing food. I had pap (which is like grits and a very typical staple food in Africa) and a spinach and nut past mixture that was out of this world. Plus we were in the bar as the Ghana game was on and the nice and excitement was insane.
  • We shopped at the local market and bartered and traded clothes and pens for trinkets and souvenirs.
  • We walked across the bridge dividing Zambia and Zimbabwe and attempted to check out the Falls from the Zimbabwe side but when we were told it was a $75USD Visa fee for us to cross over just for the day we turned around and walked back. Watched the crazy people bunji jump off the bridge and had a nice lunch.
And now we have arrived in South Africa, more specifically Pretoria and are now staying with P's family. They fetched us from the airport yesterday and took us out for a lovely VEGAN! Indian dinner. They are soooo thoughtful!.

Today we had a sleep in (very much needed) and have had a lazy morning. We're off to get some money and things to ready ourselves for the BIG MATCH tomorrow - Argentina vs. Mexico. It going to be an interesting day. We have to drive from Pretoria to Joburg, park at the Park n Ride and then hop a trolly to the stadium. P is very nervous about driving here. Its on the wrong side of the road and its South Africa. But we have been told that so long as we are diligent, keep the doors locked and have no valuables visible then we will be fine. TIA! Not sure who I should be cheering for though ... Mexico? Argentina? Still hoping England can pull is out against the Germans!!!!

Security here is just what you would think it would be. Last night as we went to bed we had to lock the massive iron gates across all the doors, turn on the infrared beams in the garden and then set the alarm. We couldn't even get up to use the washroom for fear of setting off the motion sensors. Now that being said, there vibe here is not of fear and panic
Today the whole family is coming over a braai and to celebrate Grannies Birthday. It will be neat to meet everyone.

I have loads of photos to upload but the USB here is not working :(

Its really cold here too! I keep forgetting its winter here in Africa and even though the sun is shining its CHILLY! Yet, I still have managed to get a good tan on my face and red little nose :)

We are leaving for Kimberly on tomorrow and then down to Cape Town on the 1st. I'll keep you posted as best I can on the way.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

White Water and Smiling Faces

Yesterday we whitewater rafted down the Zambezi and it was UNREAL! we got smashed around in the water and tossed out a few times but it was worth it. They were Class 3, 4 and 5 rapids - BIG ONES! Mid way down we stopped for a break on this amazing white sand beach in between the canyon of Zambia and Zimbabwe. I cant describe it. The photos say it all. I have a load that we bought from our Guide and will upload them ASAP!

On the way back from rafting we went through this small town and something about it spoke to me. so when we got back to camp me and 5 others arranged for a taxi out there today and we are meeting with the village chief, donating my sleeping bag and a blanked, bought pens, work books and pencils for the school kids and got a soccer ball so we can play a short game with the kids and then donate the ball. I have a feeling today is going to be really special.

We leave our GAP group today and it really sux because we have made some really great friends. but such is travelling. off to the next adventure!

We will be staying in Livingston for the next few days as we changed our plans a bit and will not be heading to Lusaka after all, and will be getting the bus to Pretoria from here instead. Its gonna save us hours of travel time, which is really more important than anything.

Internet here is unreliable so I will run for now and talk again soon!

keeping safe and having the time of our lives!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Bots to Zam

Safe and sound and OMG what a crazy trip it has been so far!

Today we crossed over the Zambezi from Botswana to Zambia at 6am and arrived at our camp around 1230pm, after stopping in town to get money changed and water. So far Livingstone is the most "African" city I have been in, in the sense that its chaotic craziness, horns honking, people everywhere and smiling faces at every turn.

I don't have a lot of time to write today, but once were are in SA, Pretoria specifically I will be able to get online more often.

So far we have seen HIPPOS!!! (loads of them on our sunset boat cruise last night in Chobe Park in Bots), Giraffe, a million elephants, zebra, loads of various antelope, water buffalo, wildebeest, loads of stunning birds and much more. its all in my journal and will be blogged. We got some amazing shots yesterday of elephant families grazing along the waters edge in Bots and I got some stunning video.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Hello - Welcome to Africa

We have made it safe and sound to Africa and so far it has been beyond words.

Our flights were perfect and not a single complication between Vancouver and Windhoek.

WE were picked up by Michau, a family friend (and fantastic guy) and taken to their farm in North East Namibia for the first few days. This was after our detour to the Police station ... they had a minor car accident in the parking lot that got a little out of hand and we all ended up at the police station filing a report. WELCOME TO AFRICA!

The farm was an amazing and unreal experience. 55,000 hectares of land full of game and livestock. Cows, ducks, chickens, goats were everywhere. WE went on a few game drives and walks, saw oryx, kudu, springbok, ostrich, camels and zebras. The weather is HOT during the day and FREEZING at night.

We met up with our tour group on Monday and have been on the road since. Great, dynamic group of people ranging from 20 - 60. A hand full of Brits, a handful of other Canucks, a few Aussies and Americans and a single girl from Japan. Lots of fun!

We crossed over into Bots yesterday around noon. We camped in Ghanzi and went on a bush walk with the San Bushman and then partook in a traditional dance around the fire. I was proposed to by one of the head Bushman at the dance - quite the honor apparently. It was amazing. we all sat around the fire with the women and babies, clapping along as they sang and the men dance. it was stunning.

Last night I thought I would lose a toe to frostbite as it was so cold and I was ill prepared, so today, as its our last night before heading out to the Oakavango Delta for a few nights we stocked up on a few blankets and a new set of fleece. I am still wearing now what wore and slept in last night :) 2 pairs of socks, long undies, pants, thermal top, tshirt, fleece top, scarf. I thought it was hot in Africa - lol.

We are at a pit stop now in Maun, Botswana to gather supplies for our camping trip and then off to the camp site via moroko canoes.

Africa is having an effect on me. It is changing me, opening my eyes and making me feel things I didn't expect. This really is the trip of a lifetime.

I hope I can post photos soon, but I think it will be more likely once we are in Pretoria next week. Hope to get some blog posts up too with lots of details.

Monday, June 7, 2010


Reposted from the BT Website:

As life in Bangkok has finally begun to return back to normal, so have our phonelines, email accounts and day to day activities here in Canada. While our travellers have been running wild around the globe in all our feature countries this May, the two remaining gentlemen sacrificed some time on the road this season to stay behind and manage the day to day duties & responsibilities @ our BT office

Adam got a call last week from the CBC asking me to come down to the studio for a live interview on CBC Radio 1 with Stephen Quinn. In the midst of all the chaos and breaking news about Thailand, CBC wanted to hear from Beach Travellers about what was really going on over there. TJ is currently in Thailand and I speak with him every second day about the current situation there and we handled this live interview @ CBC studios with confidence.

Listen to the interview @ the link below. (Scroll down to Thursday, May 20)

Our travellers (and at times like these their worried parents as well) are always our #1 priority..Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns at all.

- Graeme

Saturday, June 5, 2010

National Day of the Girl: Sign our ePetition

Did you know that in the poorest regions of the world, millions of girls face barriers to survival and development simply because they’re girls.

It’s time to take action! Girls’ rights are human rights. And here’s the really interesting thing. It’s proven that Investing in girls is the key to reducing global poverty. When we support the rights of girls, we create a better world for everyone.

Stand up for girls today! Sign our petition and tell the Canadian government to declare September 22 as the National Day of the Girl. If our own government takes leadership, we’ll be one step closer to lobbying the United Nations to declare September 22 as the International Day of the Girl.

An international Day of the Girl will focus the world’s attention on the importance of girls’ rights. It will create a foundation for advocacy to ensure that girls get the investment and recognition they deserve as citizens and as powerful agents of change within their own families, communities and nations.

Lend your voice to a global movement for change advocating for the rights of girls, and a better world for all of us. Help us get the Canadian government on board!

We the undersigned call on the Canadian Government to show their commitment to the promotion of the rights of girls by proclaiming September 22 as National Day of the Girl.

Because I am a Girl Documentary from Plan Canada on Vimeo.

The Man in the Arena

Inspiring doesn't do this passage justice.

Nelson Mandela gave a copy of this speech to François Pienaar, captain of the South African rugby team, before the start of the 1995 Rugby World Cup, in which the South African side eventually defeated the heavily favoured All Blacks.
It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Beach Travellers | BTTV Episode 14 | BRAZIL

Sand Boarding in Brazil, Beach Travellers style:

Beach Travellers | BTTV Episode 13 | BRAZIL Foz do Iguaç

Beach Travellers taking you on another adventure in Brazil to the border of Brazil & Argentina. We venture into Argentina to visit the falls from the other side to get wet. This trip is included in our 21 & 28 day Brazil trips.