Wednesday, December 31, 2008
2008: The Year in Review
I backpacked Europe and made a 10 year dream come true!
Did you keep your new year's resolutions, and will you make more for next year?
If I made any for 2008 I don’t remember them (what does that tell you!) But 2009 is to be a year of change, so yes, I do have a list this time around.
Did anyone close to you give birth?
The most wonderful little girl came into the world this year, Ms Victoria Paige Van Hal, born to the amazing Shane and her hubby Todd.
Did anyone close to you die?
No. This year was a lucky one …
What countries did you visit?
The United Kingdom, The Netherlands, Germany, Czech Republic, USA
What would you like to have in 2009 that you lacked in 2008?
Less of a waist line
What dates from 2008 will remain etched upon your memory, and why?
June 21st – The look on my Dads face when I surprised him on his 60th Birthday!!
What was your biggest achievement of the year?
Learning how to mountain bike and thus not being afraid of new challenges
What was your biggest failure?
Gaining back some of my hard-lost weight of the last few years and not caring about myself as much as I deserve
Did you suffer illness or injury?
A few colds and pulled muscle isn’t anything to really bitch about
What was the best thing you bought?
Plane tickets to Europe!!
Whose behaviour merited celebration?
Whose behaviour made you appalled and depressed?
George Bush
Where did most of your money go?
Bills, bills, bills, can you pay my telephone bills?
What did you get really, really, really excited about?
Travelling, meeting new people and having new experience. It was a dream come true that I was able to to visit and explore to so many different places this year.
What song will always remind you of 2008?
Anything by Hot Chip, The Raconteurs, Holy F&@K (all were outstanding at Coachella)
Compared to this time last year, are you:
a) happier or sadder? Same
b) thinner or fatter? Fatter
c) richer or poorer? Same
What do you wish you'd done more of?
Travelling ... there is just so much to be seen and experienced.
What do you wish you'd done less of?
Debt repayment … WHEN WILL IT END ?!?!?!
How did you spend Christmas?
With my amazing man Phil, in our home in Vancouver, missing our families to death, eating loads of food and enjoying lots of merry cheer with new friends
Did you fall in love in 2008?
Even more than I thought I could xoxoxoxoxo
What was your favourite TV program?
Bones … give me more David Boreanaz please ;)
Do you hate anyone now that you didn't hate this time last year?
I don’t have time for that, there are other, more important things to do than waste time hating.
What was the best book you read?
Wacky Chicks: Life Lessons from Fearlessly Inappropriate and Fabulously Eccentric Women
Author ~ Simon Doonan
What was your greatest musical discovery?
Hot Chip, Vampire Weekend, Holy F&@K, Does it Offend You Yah? … and lots more, too many to mention … excellent music year J
What did you want and get?
My trip to Europe :)
What did you want and not get?
A new bike … maybe 2009 will bring a shiny new dually for me ;)
What was your favourite film of this year?
Dark Night & Rob Zombie's Halloween are the first two that come to mind, but I don’t make it out to the movies very often, so it's mostly renters for me … seen loads of amazing documentaries recently like The End of Suburbia, ENRON: The Smartest Men in the Room, Escape from Suburbia, Crude Awakening, Sicko … all terribly moving
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you?
29 – the last of the decade – Out for drinks with friends
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying?
More time with my family
How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2008?
Funky, dark yet also exspressive and always very moi ;)
What kept you sane?
My family and my man
Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most?
Angie please!
What political issue stirred you the most?
Who did you miss?
Mom, Dad and Dave terribly
Who was the best new person you met?
Far and away, Victoria Paige Van Hal
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2008.
Life is short – Live it
Sunday, November 9, 2008
it's the end of the world as we know it ...
Hummmm, what’s new?? Nothing really. Same old same old … not that it’s a bad thing. After all that has been going al all year with travelling and events and whatnot, its kinda nice to be static for a moment and just live … sometimes that crazy thing called life flies right past ya!
I did watch a very I interesting documentary on Friday night that really got me thinking, thinking quite a lot …. It is called THE END OF SUBURBIA: Oil Depletion and the Collapse of The American Dream and man, was it a wake up call for me. I had no idea the oil situation is what it is, the kind of impact the world will feel once we reach the Oil Peak and what that will mean to the future as we know it. It was a real shock to me to hear how we are truly gluttons of our planet, consumption fanatics and waste such unbelievably precious resources each and every day.
Ask yourself this:
In August 2003, if you were part of the huge blackout felt along the eastern coast of North America (as I was for the complete duration of the power failure, 3 days), after your experience during that time, have you made any efforts to change the way you live and use power, have you changed your consumption of fuels and oils in any way, or are you back to living life as you had been on that very afternoon? A/C running, driving to work each day, driving here and there to get a carton of milk and to hit the post office, creating waste at every turn, consuming recourse that are finite.
It may sound flakey and you may think that these sentiments are stemming from my move to the West Coast where all we do it climb mountains and hug trees, but you know what, maybe it does have something to do with it. I am forced to see the true beauty of this planet each and every day and yes, it has changed my perspective on things. And after hearing and seeing what is going on in the oil industry each and every day, I can honestly say that once and for all, that the statements and points made in this movie made me realize that I will NEVER live in a suburb and will always live in a high-density urban setting, will never again own a car and empowered me to learn to be agriculturally self-sufficient. Watch out, here comes Urban Farmer Erin!
Please, go out and rent this flick. It’s at Rogers in the Documentary section. Do it for you, your kids, your sisters, your brothers, your parents, your grandkids and all those of future generations and everyone else sharing space together here, on the only planet we have.
That's great, it starts with an earthquake, birds and snakes,an aeroplane
Lenny Bruce is not afraid.
Eye of a hurricane, listen to yourself churn,
world serves its own needs, dummy serve your own needs.
Feed it off an aux speak,, grunt, no, strength,
The ladder starts to clatter with fear fight down height.
Wire in a fire, representing seven games, a government
for hire and a combat site.
Left of west and coming in a hurry with the furies breathing down your neck.
Team by team reporters baffled, trumped, tethered cropped.
Look at that low playing!
Fine, then.
Uh oh,
overflow, population, common food, but it'll do.
Save yourself, serve yourself.
World serves its own needs, listen to your heart bleed dummy with
the rapture and the revered and the right - right.
You vitriolic, patriotic,
slam, fight, bright light, feeling pretty psyched.
REM: It's The End of the World
Saturday, October 4, 2008
My Favourite Read List
One of my girlfriends has spurred me on to write this list, as she has just reacquainted herself with the joy of reading after taking a break from it for a while ... being the Mom of a toddler can do that sometime. WELCOME BACK KIM!!
As most of you, my loving 3 readers know, I am an AVID reader ... fervent actually. When I was working at Chapters (all those years ago) I was in heaven ... I love the feel and texture of the pages, the sound of the binding when it snaps after you've just cracked open the pages for the first time, the cover art or even lack there of ... and of course the stories. I love them all. I am a huge fan of non-fiction and you can always find me in the Biography or the Social and Cultural Studies section, browsing the shelves.
It was my Mother Jennifer, a writer now herself , who started me on my journey with the written word. Bedtime stories were one of my favourite times as a child. My Mom would read to me with such passion and love that it is no surprise that that same enjoyment was embedded in her young daughter. The Chronicles of Narnia, Cloudy with the Chance of Meatballs, Jillian Jiggs, The Wonderful Pigs of Jillian Jiggs, The Velveteen Rabbit, The Balloon Tree, The Queen Who Stole the Sky, The Avocado Baby, The Folk of the Faraway Tree and The Secret of Spiggy Holes were my favourites. I secretly thought Jillian and I were long lost sisters ...
In first grade we had a book club, the Snuggle Up and Read Club, with the premise being that each night we had to make the time to snuggle up and sit quietly with our parents and read. Once the book was completed, it was recorded on the special Snuggle Up and Read Record Sheet. Once the sheet was full we got a sticker ... oh those magical grade one stickers and all they meant to us 6 year-olds! That club and my wonderful grade one teacher Mrs. MacLean made my love of books even stronger.
Those were some of the moments and times that helped to mould me into the reader and lover of books that I am today. I ready each and every day. I read on the bus to and from work, I read on my lunch break, I read while waiting for my coffee, I read in the Dr and Dentist office, I read before bed and while in bed. I find it to be both intriguing and relaxing. It’s entertaining and educating. It is exercise for the mind and can take you places and make you feel things that you never thought a book could.
I encourage everyone to pick up a book, a magazine, a newspaper, SOMETHING, just get reading.
So here's the start of my list of Favourite Reads. It will be an ongoing list as I have a rather large library to peruse and choose from and DAMN, there a lot of good ones!
If anyone reads, or has read any of these, let me know what your thoughts.
Wacky Chicks: Life Lessons from Fearlessly Inappropriate and Fabulously Eccentric Women - Simon Doonan
Valley of the Dolls - Jacqueline Susann
The Body Farm - Patricia Cornwell
Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto - Chuck Klosterman
High Fidelity - Nick Hornby
You'll Never Eat Lunch in This Town Again - Julia Phillips
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas - Hunter S. Thompson
Which Lie Did I Tell? - William Goldman
American Psycho- Bret Easton Ellis
Sonic Cool: The Life and Death of Rock & Roll - Joe Harrington
The Electric Kool Aid Acid Trip - Tom James Wolfe
One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest - Ken Kesey
Veronika Decides to Die - Paulo Coelho
Easy Riders, Raging Bulls - Peter Biskind
The Rebel Sell - Joseph Heath
All Families Are Psychotic - Douglas Coupland
Scars of Sweet Paradise: the Life and Times of Janis Joplin - Alice Echols
The Diary Of A Young Girl - Anne Frank
Somebody To Love? A Rock And Roll Memoir - Grace Slick
Sound of the Beast: The Complete Headbanging History of Heavy Metal - Ian Christe
Fargo Rock City: A Heavy Metal Odyssey In Rural North Dakota - Chuck Klosterman
On The Road - Jack Kerouac
A Million Little Pieces - James Frey
To be continued ....
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Five Common Paper Contaminants
Actually, the opposite is true, as contamination is the quickest way that an entire batch of recyclables will end up in a landfill because of a few outsiders. This is especially true when it comes to paper, since you rarely find a paper product that is entirely made of paper.
The best way to ensure that your paper is safe to recycle is by knowing what is accepted. Use Earth911 to find specific products that your local program or recycling center collects, as well as exceptions.
While all recycling programs are different, here’s five materials that will likely interfere with recycling once it reaches a paper mill:
1. Food Waste
Paper is recycled by mixing shredded fiber with water to make new pulp. Well, you may have learned in chemistry class that oil and water don’t mix well, so oil stains won’t simply dissolve in the water. Instead, you’ll get new paper that still has oil stains.
Oil is a pretty common cooking ingredient, meaning that it’s a likely remnant for lots of different foods. You’ll be able to tell the difference between a water stain and an oil stain because oil won’t evaporate over time.
Common Example: Pizza boxes
This really applies to any to-go food containers, but lots of people see a pizza box as just more cardboard. It’s unlikely your pizza box is recyclable when the pizza is gone, since oil from the food has been absorbed by the cardboard. Your best bet to not contaminate the rest of your recyclables is to place it in the trash.
2. Hazardous Products
Say it with me: anything that comes into contact with hazardous waste becomes hazardous waste. This is why most paper towels and napkins are unrecyclable; they either clean up food waste or hazardous waste (e.g. household cleaners, motor oil, paint).
Common Example: Paint-stained newspaper
When you’re painting the walls, you don’t want to get the floor dirty, so often people lay down newspaper. Well, if paint drips on the newsprint, it belongs in the trash instead of the recycling bin.
3. Plastic/Wax Lining
Linings are added to many paper products for a number of reasons:
- Temperature control (think coffee cups)
- Leak control
- Strength and durability
While we definitely appreciate these traits in our paper packaging, plastic and wax lining is too difficult to separate during the recycling process. The exception is plastic windows in envelopes, because they can be easily detached by a filter leaving behind just paper.
Common Example: Paper cups
You’ve already learned why the plastic lining exists on these cups; the next step is making sure they go in the trash can. Reusable mugs and bottles are a way of keeping your waste output low while still enjoying a nice beverage.4. Pressure-Sensitive Adhesives (PSAs)
Not to be confused with public service announcements, these PSAs refer to anything that you can peel and stick without moisture. They are difficult to filter out and don’t dissolve in water (although the adhesive does), meaning they could be lodged in equipment.
Common Example: Sticky notes
You may know them by a corporate name, and you also may find the bright colors user-friendly. Extra complications arise when the bright colored notes are attached to white paper, as white and colored paper are separated when recycled (like when you do laundry). Address labels, stamps and even tape fall into this category as well.
5. Wet Paper
You may be wondering why wet paper is a contaminant if the paper will be drenched with water prior to recycling anyway. The answer is that exposure to water shortens paper fibers, making it less valuable. If your curbside program or local recycling center can’t sell the paper to a mill, there’s no point in collecting it for recycling.
This is yet another reason to not try and recycle napkins or paper towels. As a good rule of thumb, make sure your paper recyclables are covered if it’s raining.
Common Example: Wet newspaper
You may use it to stop roof leaks from ruining your wood floor or to line your pet hamster’s cage. Regardless, wet newspaper has little value to recyclers. Considering most newspapers are made from recycled newsprint, it’s important that what we recycle is in good shape.
Now that you know what shouldn’t go in the recycling bin, here’s a few items that are typically safe to include with your paper recycling:
- Envelopes with adhesive, metal latches or plastic windows
- Paper clips
- Staples
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Riddle Me This?
I could have sworn that it was 2008 but something’s are leading me to believe that its 1990 again.
Case and Point
90210: Dun nanana, Dun nananan - Cha- Cha!
I’ll admit it … it has wrapped its bed hopping, vodka guzzling, pill popping, Marc Jacobs wearing hands around my heart once more! Oh to see Drunken Jackie, Bitchy Brenda, Ditzy Kelly and Nice guy Nat on the screen again makes me feel 15 all over again! Add in a little Lucille Bluth, Aunt Becky and Kyle McBride and hawt damn, I say you have the makings of a killer show. And the new cast and plot lines are hysterical. Silver anyone? Someone force feed that chick a burger STAT. Etham, well, I could take him on a platter any day … I don’t care how young he is damnit … and Navid the scientologist porn heir kills me! Over all I give it a total thumbs up …Screw you haters!
New Kids on the Block – WTF!
They are back and it would seem that they have the #1 album in CANADA… again I question what year this is … has anyone listened to the new tunes? I was hoping for great things. Summertime was a total crapshow, just like all the other sappy screw-me pop out there now, but this:
This brought my boys back up a level. If you can cover Queen and make it sound good, you rule in my books And please, lets be honest … I have never stopped pining for Joey Mac or my bad-boy Donnie …
Tapered Jeans, Headbands and Ray Bans
I honestly thought this was just a LA thing when I was down there in April, but gawd damnit it seems to have migrated north, west and well just about everywhere – THANKS AMERICAN APPARAL – Shit! I’m sorry but this trend must die – Its dang ugly, not in the least bit flattering (unless built like a dude ie: no T&A) and really, something are meant to stay in the past, do we not learn from our mistakes? Come on people, what’s next?? Vuarnet France, HyperColour shirts, Chip & Pepper Shoes (yes, I know they have a fancy-schmancy denim line out and really, need I say more …), or Tretorns … I have hear that the latter is on its way – HELP!
In the words of Susan Powter:
Monday, September 8, 2008
Weekend Insanity
I got to spend some wonderful time with my family and see some old friends and their ADORABLE kids.
And it is now official - Kristen and Brian are now MR & MRS RICE!!!! It was a stunning wedding, classy and elegant. The Bride was a vision and the Groom was dashing.
Pics are posted on the sidebar.
I sadly was not able to see everyone and as per usual I have massive guilt over that but there is just not enough time on these trips to see everyone and I don't have transportation so that makes it all the more difficult to get out of the 'Saug to visit.
And honestly, I don't know when I'll be back East again. I simply do not have the time nor the money to take another trip ... I was back 3 times in the last year and that was 2 more than I had ever thought would be able to pull off.
Hopefully it will be sooner than later but I know it will not be until the New Year.
SAD .. I miss everyone like mad and this trip only made that even more clear to me ....
Sunday, August 31, 2008
More Snaps
Homeward Bound:
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Untouched by war or destruction, Prague has maintained its original architecture and grandeur and stands today as one of Europe's most beautiful and classic cities.
Sachsenhausen Concentration Camp
It was a somber day, accented by the rain and grey skies, but we were both glad to have spent the time to see a sight that has extraordinary historical history
Here a quick synopses of the site:
The first concentration camp in Germany, operating between 1936 and 1945. Executions took place at Sachsenhausen, especially of Soviet Prisoners of War. Some Jews were executed at Sachsenhausen and many died there, but most Jewish inmates of the camp were relocated to Auschwitz in 1942. Sachsenhausen was not intended as an extermination camp — instead, the systematic murder was conducted in camps to the east. However, many died as a result of executions, casual brutality and the poor living conditions and treatment.
Friday, August 22, 2008
Here is round One: AmsterDAM, it was all that I thought it would be and then some!
I'm BACK!!!
I had an incredible time, met some very cool people, saw loads of amazing sights and took tons of pictures.
The full adventure blog is on its way, just have to spend the time to decipher my journal notes and sort of out all the snaps!
Saturday, July 26, 2008
The NEW Moi!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
T-14 Days!
Phil and I have managed to get the basics under control and now its time to line up the rest of the pieces.
We need to get our $$ sorted out and since we need to have 4 currencies (Euros, Pounds, Korunas and CAD) on hand for when we leave it’s been a tad trying to get a good rate on them all.
We have all our plans sorted out and know what we want to see and how we need to get everywhere . Not that we are planning tight schedule, but its good to have a few basic plans in place to that nothing is missed or regrets are had.
We have our packs – Huge suckers (60L!!) but well worth the investment as they will serve us well into the future.

We have our basic packing sorted out, but still have to do a trial run to ensure everything fits and the packs are comfy to wear and walk with. Travelling with next to nothing clothing wise is gonna be a hard go for this clothes horse and limiting myself to a singe pair of shoes and a set of flip-flops is making my head spin … But I look at it this way – More of a reason to shop in Berlin for some uber funky kicks!
Over all this chick is getting really stoked for this trip - Its been WAY too long in the making and its just the begining ....
Thursday, July 10, 2008
I know I spent a lot of it outside, between walking, skiing, hiking and biking I have embraced the Great Outdoors more than I ever thought I would … being the uber CityGal that I am.
I also know that I spent a lot of it traveling all around North America. I flew back to Ontario 4 times (that’s 4 times more than I thought I would have), road tripped to SoCal and back, explored Seattle on numerous occasions, rode the ferry to the Island a few time to explore the north of the island and the beauty that is Victoria, skied the amazing mountains in Northern Washington and the Okanagan and took various other trips throughout BC.
I managed to score a great job, but had to make a major sacrifice to push school to the back burner … again. Its not totally off the table but its been sidelined for now. I have decided to spend my time and money travelling and enjoying life and seeing what is around the next bend. School will always be there, waiting for me with open arms.
I’ve made a ton of great new friends and met loads of cool new people.
I’ve started talking yoga classes 3 times a week and amped up my reading to a book a month!
Overall, I have made Vancouver and BC my new home and I love it here more than I ever thought I would.
Don’t get me wrong, I have days when I miss Toronto and home more than I can stand. I miss my family and my friends terribly, but I know that they are all very supportive of my decision to move and start a new chapter of my life.
Who knows what’s next …. I have a strong desire to live in many places around the world and so when the time comes to leave this stunning province its all up in the air as to where I land next!
Because I have loved life, I shall have no sorrow to die.
Amelia Burr:
Plastic Bags
It has dramatically reduced the number of bags coming into our house and we now only use them for garbage bags. Even when out for a shopping day we bring the bags along, just in case! And most people are more than happy to stuff our reusable bags rather than using their plastic ones. And they are always a few in the car ... you never know when you'll need to stop to get something right?!
So in closing, we are fullfledged, treehugging supporters of the canvas/reusable bags and urge all of you to make the change. Even just one bag can help out.
And if your not convinced, read these:
Friday, June 27, 2008
Europe Bound!
Phil and I are booked to fly to Manchester at the end of July to meet up with my awesome family the Hunters to celebrate the wedding of my cousin Paul to his lovely Bride-to-Be Cathy. I am stoked to take in a proper English Country Wedding … and am even more excited to get to wear a big hat!
We’ll hang out there for a few days and then - WOOSH - its off to Amsterdam. We’re booked to stay at the famous (or infamous, depending on how you look at it) Flying Pig Hostel (Uptown) for 3 nights to take the city by storm. On the agenda is Van Gough Museum, Anne Franks House, Heineken Museum, Rembrandt Museum and lots of walking, biking and well, lets be honest … toking!
Then its off to Berlin! I am so, so, so excited to go to Germany. Its been on my list for years! We’ll be taking the super fast ICE train from Amsterdam and get into Berlin in a mere 6 hours. And the views are suppose to be stunning!
Again we’re booked into a very cool hostel in East Berlin, right across from the remaining fragments of the Wall. I’m really looking forward to taking in all the history and sights of the city, as well as the modern design and architecture it has to offer. And a few nights of partying in the hip town will of course be on the agenda.
After 4 nights there we are then heading off to the land of Castles – Prague. Again via ICE train we’ll be unpacking our bags in our amazing Old Town hostel, after a short 4 hr ride from Berlin. I can't wait for the cobble stone roads, free flowing pints and amazing gothic architecture. We’re also planning a trip to see The Bone Church Of Kutna Hora, how insane will that be?
Then its back to England, London to be specific, for a few days before we catch our flight home to Vancouver and I can't wait catch up and see some of my friends (Janna, Holly, Melody - that’s you!).
It’s a whirlwind trip with lots planned and I could care less how tired I will be, as this will be the trip to end all trips … well, to date at least …. We still have South Africa to plan for 2010!
Sunday, June 22, 2008
Here we go … a month of blogging to be done!
So last time I posted it was all about Coachella. In a nutshell, it was the single most amazing concert going experience I have ever had … and I’m already planning 2009!
After Coachella all things went back to the norm. I did however managed to snag a cold on my 2nd day back at the office and had to bail on my bike clinic that was booked for that weekend. Combine that with the fact that it was pissing rain (typical VanCity styles) and this little Muddbunnie chose to stay on the couch and watch bad Saturday afternoon movies. Its was a great weekend J
But all was not lost for biking.
MAY 17
The following weekend I was feeling 100% and headed out to take on Burnaby Mountain with Stacey and Phil. The change in weather from the previous weekend was INSANE. We managed to pick not only the hottest day in May to ride, we were in the hottest place in BC! A whopping 25 degrees made the climb up a bit trying and we had to take a few water/heat breaks, but we made it. The decent down was just too much fun. Real flowy trail with some stunts, skinny’s and ladders. And regardless of the fact that I fell in the first 3 seconds of the ride and basically sat as hard as one can directly on a rock, I had an awesome ride.
MAY 24
That killer riding was followed up by a session on the North Shore with seasoned riders Am and Jo. Now, bear this in mind, both of them have been riding for 3+ years and know their shit, so for them to have me tagging along … a tad intimidating. Phil shuttled us up part way and then it was time to pedal. And MAN, did my cardio kick my ass! Sheesh! After an exhausting 30 minutes it was time to head down …. Via a friggen Black diamond! At this point, I questioned whether these gals were my friends or my foes! On goes the full face and body armour and off we go!
The first few sections we a tad gnarly and there was a tad bit of walking but then it started to come together and the flow was before us. We sessioned a few sections and with some stellar coaching I was able to accomplish some big wheel drops and start to see some easy lines.
Then comes the rock face … so normally I am game for anything so long as I can be coached over it. And at this point I was fully confident in the gals and their advice. And really, the rock was tiny by all accounts. So Am take it first and cleans it perfectly. So now its my turn … and I have to wait since there are about 10 hotties to my right flinging themselves off a HUGE rock with a drop of at least 4 feel … needless to say, I waited from them to flail off and then I was on my way … and hawt damn don’t I clear it! My form was great, words of encouragement flying towards me, all is going well and then the bail happened … to give you a visual, picture Superman flying over the handle bars but on an angle … OUCH! This is the first moment where I have seen the need for all my gear ;) I survived, and took a few minutes to collect myself and then it was off the rip the rest of the trail.
Overall, a kick ass day with me having clocked in my 2nd day on the Shore … I think I’m really starting to like this ;)
MAY 25
The following day the Brodie Crew (Stace, PDot and Moi) decided to check out the Delta Watershed Park. We got lost in the first 10 minutes and ended up at the bottom of the ravine, forcing us to pedal UP UP UP to take run 2 at the trails. But this time we snagged us a map – SCORE and managed to find a super fun park, The Gravity Bowl, where again we sessioned a few tables and berms. Stace and I took the tables by storm but were a bit caught off guard by the air we managed to gain! Some horrible video footage was taken of my first run at it and the expletive can be heard for miles …. As can Phil's laughter
MAY 31
After waking up uber early on a Saturday, loading up the bike and required gear I ventured out to meet my fellow Bunnies for a 3 hour bike clinic. I managed to get lost and ended up late to the chagrin of my coach Sherri. But once there and sorted out the learning began. From basic bike care and pre-ride stretching and over all health and fitness to bike and body positioning, breaking and manuals, we learned A LOT! The crew was a stellar group of gals all at different levels of riding, but all very supportive and encouraging. After the coaching it was time to ride. We took a few of the lower trails as a group and then a handful of us broke off and climbed back up to hot some of the upper trails. We decided to take on 3 that we were all familiar with and sessioned some of the wheel drops and skinnies at the park mid way down. After the ride Stace and agreed that it was our cleanest run and we decided to master the mountain by the end of the summer.
So in summary, I like riding my bike over rock, roots, I like jumping over things and freaking myself out while ripping down a dirty mountain trail, I like getting sweaty and dirty and I even like falling if it means I tried something new.
You heard it hear first people - I am officially Mountain Biker in the making!
Oh and according to the interview, Joey Mac likes to go commando, is a huge flirt and apparently made out with Tiffany at a bar years after the Jon/Tiffany deal. Now that is info you know you could not have lived without ;)
Friday, June 20, 2008
Lots has been keeping me busy, but I will try to type my ass off this weekend as I spend 10+ hrs on a lovely WestJet plane ...
Lets just say that BC life is treating me well ... almost too well ;)
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Coachella 2008 - Day 1
Lets see, the days started about 5 hrs after we finally had gotten camp set up and crawled into outr tents ... but since we were sleeping in the desert, the heat and blazing sun made for a alarm that could not be turned off. But such is life at Coachella! We hit the showers, took in a super yummy smoothie and made our way into the venue for Day 1. Below is some of what we took in ...
American Bang – Southern rock n’ roll … Reminded me of Whitestar – Good tunes to kick off the festival
Midnight Juggernauts - A very pleasant surprise – got me on my feet!
Black Kids - Good tunes with a Killers type vibe – Kept my feet moving …
Slightly Stoopid - Mellow, groovy reggae type tunes … good for chillin’ in the hawt, hawt desert afternoon
Jens Lekman - Too much for me – I’m all for a crooner, but he’s just TOO much cheese - but P liked it …
The Breeders - Classic! Loved them in the 90’s and love them still – So great to hear the oldies live
Vampire Weekend - They had a lot to live up to but in my opinion they didn’t cut it … and what the hell is with their friggen outfits YIKES!
The National - Interpol but not as pissed off ;) And we had to leave early to catch Master Jack ….
The Raconteurs - Full on kick ass rock show – Jack was unreal – Best performance of the day
The Verve - I took in the first part of the set (I HAD to leave to see Serj) and was impressed with the clean sound and vocals
Serj Tankian - I have to say this was a bit of a disappointment – He was on as far as overall performance goes, but his vocals failed to connect with the arrangements of his crazy tunes.
And so goes Day 1 – An awesome start to an awesome weekend!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
Some Vacay Pics
Links are on the sidebar
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Back to Reality ...
I have officially fallen head over heals for California and will be trying to find a way to get my ass down there again ... soon and for a way longer time!
Hopefully we will have some pictures to post soon ... we have had a minor (ok ... MAJOR) technical disaster and are in the process of trying to recover ALL of the pictures that we accidently deleted ... just typing this is making me feel ill and start to well up ....
Otherwise, the travel blog will be a coming soon!
Monday, April 21, 2008
Wagons South!
We both need this vacation desperately to say the leaset. Well be on the road heading south till Thursday night when we grab our friend Jay in Santa Barbara and then head off to Indio to set up camp.
We’ll be sure to take lots of snaps and show them all off when we get home!
I hope I manage to get a tan and not my classic burn … bring on the SPF 30!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
I DID IT!!!!
And what an experience it was and I’m so glad that I was a part of the 24th Annual Vancouver Sun Run!
Phil and I headed out to my office to meet up with my team around 8:00 am and we're off to get into our race positions shortly before 9:00 am. The only bummer to the race was that Phil and I were not even close to meeting up with Stacey, who had P’s timing chip and race bib. So Phil, being the super stellar man that he is, chose to run the race with out his timing chip or bib in order to keep a very nervous and psyched out Erin together.
All together now - Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
So with the aid of a trusty digital watch, we joined the 57,000 other runners and took off around 9:20 am.
Needless to say, with that amount of people running all together its easy to keep a nice, slow pace and not burn out right off the start.
We managed to run full out for the first 10 minutes and then I needed to walk to get ride of the side stitch that reared its ugly head, reminding me that I never take enough time to stretch.
After that was sorted out it was back to running and thanks to Daft Punk Alive 2007, I was able to keep a great pace for the next 4 km. We both took another walk break when getting over the Burrard St Bridge, as it was after a hill, and then it was back to business.
The last 1.5 km were hard, sore hip, numb baby toes and legs feeling like lead we a few of the ailments I was facing, but it didn’t stop me from sprinting to the finish line! From what we gathered, via P’s watch, we crossed the line 71 minutes after we started. That is a full 19 minutes FASTER than I had aimed for!!! I was dumbfounded that I managed to make it in such a great time.
It was amazing feeling to pass that line and to have Phil beside me was even more amazing. We hugged it out, caught our breath and made our way over to the chip drop off.
Overall it was an amazing experience and I am so stoked to have been a part of it, no matter how worked up I was over the whole thing.
The next question is … will I do this again next year??.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Tomorrow is Race Day
I know that I can do this. Everyone else knows that I can do this … but I am still freaked out.
The weather here has been really odd as well, it shat snow last night and was sunny and blustery today, only adding to my insecurity about this 10km race I am now facing ….
But there is no backing out now – Its GO TIME – Wish me Luck!!!
Saturday, April 12, 2008
My First Ride
The weather was just perfect – sunny, warm and dry. So my gf Amberlea and I headed up to Lynn Headwaters Regional Park and she proceeded to give me my first bike lesson. And I have to tell you – what a blast!
Am was gracious enough to lend me her extra set of shin/knee pads and thank gawd she did! I took a few awesome bails (I fell sideways off a bridge into a large swampish puddle, I took a header off a friggen short ass drop and slammed my bike into my crotch a few time … that was a tad painful!)
BUT overall I learned lots of stuff: some peddle positioning, how to get up over logs and roots and then push myself forward and shoot my arse back and out and to follow my line and not look down. All of her tips made is much easier to take on the trail and Am was so patient with me, waiting as I struggled with some of the climbing sections and when I bailed. And totally motivating too!
By the end of the ride I managed to get across a short log bridge, up over a ton of obstacles and feel like I sort of knew what I was doing.
Now I am uber stoked for my clinics and cant wait to get out there again and again and again …..
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
See Ya Snow … Hello Dirt!!!
Last summer I managed to get myself a rad hardtail Brody mountain bike, but was a bit concerned it being a hardtail would hinder my ability to get off the XC trails and onto the DH stuff, but after talking to a few hardcore rippers I have been assured that this will not be the case – if anything it will make me a “true/real” mountain biker … so I guess I’ll be learning to ride hard!
Wish me luck and my fingers are crossed for no broken bones!
I'll keep you posted on all the dirt ... I'm so PUNNY!!

Monday, March 31, 2008
Skiing 2007/2008
******WOOO Friggen West Coast HOOOOO *****
This is how my season has shaped up so far (and there is still some good spring ripping to be done!)
December - 1 day (Whistler)
January - 4 days (Whistler, Mt. Seymour)
February - 4 days (Whistler, Mt. Seymour)
March - 5 days (Mt. Baldy, Mt Baker, Whistler, Mt. Seymour)
April - ???
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Ahh the gems of the internet ....
Boris Urmatov, who is asking for one million roubles ($42,000) from the Roskosmos agency, lives in a small village that lies underneath the flight path of rockets taking off from the Baikonur launchpad Russia leases in nearby Kazakhstan. "Something woke him up in the night, like something exploded.
Since he's visually handicapped he didn't notice the fallen rocket parts," Urmatov's sister Marina told Reuters from the village of Kyrlyk, in Russia's Altai region. "But in the morning in front of the shepherd hut he saw this enormous metal casing, as smooth as an egg," she said by telephone from the village, which is 2,175 miles east of Moscow. "It nearly crushed the outhouse."
She said her brother was seeking damages to compensate him for the stress he suffered.
Two Fijian youths who mistakenly stopped a police car thinking it was their truck are now on the run after dumping their sacks of dried leaves, believed to be marijuiana, at the feet of the police and fleeing into bushes.
The two boys, both on horseback, were carrying up to two kg of leaves when they stopped the police patrol car on Monday near the town of Nausori, the Fiji Times newspaper said on Wednesday. Realizing their mistake the boys dropped the sacks of leaves, abandoned the horses and fled into bushes. _______________________________________________________
Ryanair boss Michael O'Leary's famed acumen and self-confidence briefly deserted him when he failed to back his own horse Hear The Echo to win the Irish Grand National at odds of 33-1.
The outsider ridden by Paddy Flood and trained by Michael (Mouse) Morris easily knocked 6-1 favorite Royal County Star into second place at Ireland's top steeplechase on Monday. "I thought he was going out for a run to keep himself warm," said O'Leary, whose Gigginstown House Stud produced 2006 Cheltenham Gold Cup winner War of Attrition.
© The Vancouver Sun 2008
Once and a while .. this shit is bang on
Greetings Erin -- Here is your horoscope for Sunday, March 30:
You don't like it when you don't know what's going on around you -- and right now, people seem to be acting in extraordinarily mysterious ways. The good news is that the madness should end tomorrow.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Run Run RUN!!!
Since I have never been a “runner” before I thought that taking up a training program would be a wise idea, and so for the last 5 weeks I have been running 3 times a week following the How to Run 10K Guide provided by the race organizers.
At first I thought it would be a run in the park (lol –man am I puny) but how very wrong I was. See, its not that I am inactive – I ski, mountain bike, play volleyball and walk a hell of a lot – but when it came down to actually running, I had met my match.
The first day was easy, starting off with a 5 minute walk, then run for 2 minutes, walk for 3 … and do this 5 times. Ok, so that seemed like nothing. As the week progressed, the intervals got longer and the run/walk times got longer/shorter. But I made it through all 3 sessions and even thought … hey, I kinda like this running thing!
The second week was a bit harder on the mind than the body. It took a lot of coxing to get me out there in the dark after work, but my trainer (Mr. Phil) made it hard not to lace up the runners and hit the pavement.
By the third week it was smooth sailing. I wanted to run when I got home from work, it seems to melt the stress of the day away, clearing the head and gives you a reason to get out and really take advantage of the wonderful winter Vancouver gets blessed with.
And so here we are, at the start of week 5 and I have now reached a new goal. Tonight I ran for 6.5 km,(running in 3 minute intervals, with only a 60 second walk break between them – 9 times) and though it was hard at times, it was totally worth it. I hit a few walls and thought I was not going to make it but I persevered, and honestly, I kept thinking about one of my best friends Shane who just pushed a whole new person into this world this afternoon (Side Note –Don’t even ask how excited and happy I am for Shane, Todd and new little Victoria!!! OMG I could die) and that was motivation enough to keep on going to the end.
It seems that as the weeks go by and the sessions start to get behind me, I am actually getting better and better, my times are getting faster, my pace is getting faster and I am not gasping for air or reaching for my inhaler at the end of the run. It really is energizing, stress relieving and dang it makes me feel like I could scale a mountain … oh wait I did that last week (yah that’s right, I climbed a MOUNTAIN!!)
So everyone, wish me luck on this crazy 10K race I have ahead of me and I’ll keep you all posted on my progression with the training.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
What's new ....
I am writing this as I sit on the couch, typing away on my new 'puter enjoying a snow day ... yes, that's right, Vancouver got a crap load of snow (well for them anyways ...) overnight and since I take the bus to work and the roads are total crap today, I took it upon myself to take a snow day ... seeing as 90% of my coworkers are away for a conference, who needs me there anyways!
Its been a rather busy start to the new year so far. Phil and I have managed to get out 4 times so far to Whistler to rip it. We took this past weekend off to recoup (I took an awesome bail last weekend and 'effed up my left ankle. Nothing serious ... I don't think but its a tad tender so no need to wreck it more with the rest of the season ahead of me), and do some much needed things around the house. And now that the condo is all set up and is feeling like home, its up again on Saturday!
Stacey and I have been taking full advantage of the Monday nite Girls Ride for FREE event at one of the local mountains, Mt. Seymour and last night was no exception. Sadly though, it would seem that the cat has been let out of the bag and there must have been about 300 people there. Needless to say, the lift lines were out of control and after 2 hrs on the mountain, we only had gotten in 4 runs. Add to that my sore ankle and it was decided that beers were what we needed to end the nite.
I've also started training for my first ever 10K run! I know, some of you are shaking you head wondering why I would subject myself to something some may consider torture, but its something that I really want to do. Its actually one of 2 runs that I will be participating in this year. The first is the Vancouver Sun Run on April 20th - 10K and the second is the CIBC Run for the Cure in October - 5K. I'm now on a 3 day a week training program and so far its been really great. Getting out and on the pavement is actually more stress relieving that I thought it would be. Phil has been training with me too, so its been really nice to have someone with me to talk to and keep me motivated.
Other than that not too much going on - The Bday is just around the corner and so far I am dealing fairly well with this being the last year of my 20s.
P and I are in the midst planning out vacations for this year - Road Trip to Cali and Coachella in April and 2 weeks in Europe in August! Both are super exciting and I am really looking forward to backpacking thought Amsterdam, Switzerland, Germany, France and England. Its pretty much a dream coming true!
And that been the last few weeks in a nutshell ...
Sheesh, I guess more was going on than I thought .....
Monday, January 7, 2008
OMG –I knew things we screwy but this is beyond my imagination … how can this be happening?
American apparel will make you look like a fat hooker
I have always been afraid of this store, as it seem out of touch and unapproachable and really all I have ever been interested in was their scarves and now I know I've had good reason
12 year old girl gets liposuction
Things are getting ‘effing insane! We need to stop the madness!!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Avalanche sweeps skier to his death in closed Whistler area
Skier dies after triggering avalanche at Whistler
Rescue on Grouse Mountain
So my thoughts on this are as follows:
Don’t be an Ass – Be Safe and Be Smart

Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Here we go .... 2008
If you want to make God laugh, make a plan.