Thursday, July 17, 2008

T-14 Days!

So its crunch time … time to get serious about this quickly approaching adventure to Europe. A few cool things have happened over the last week, making this trip even more interesting. Via the wonders of Facebook, a very old friend of mine from Jr High/High school mentioned that he was going to be in Berlin along the same time as us and so we have made plans to meet up and see some of the sights together! Its going to be so rad to see him again and be able to catch up on all that has happened over the last 10 years!

Phil and I have managed to get the basics under control and now its time to line up the rest of the pieces.

We need to get our $$ sorted out and since we need to have 4 currencies (Euros, Pounds, Korunas and CAD) on hand for when we leave it’s been a tad trying to get a good rate on them all.

We have all our plans sorted out and know what we want to see and how we need to get everywhere . Not that we are planning tight schedule, but its good to have a few basic plans in place to that nothing is missed or regrets are had.

We have our packs – Huge suckers (60L!!) but well worth the investment as they will serve us well into the future.

We have our basic packing sorted out, but still have to do a trial run to ensure everything fits and the packs are comfy to wear and walk with. Travelling with next to nothing clothing wise is gonna be a hard go for this clothes horse and limiting myself to a singe pair of shoes and a set of flip-flops is making my head spin … But I look at it this way – More of a reason to shop in Berlin for some uber funky kicks!

Over all this chick is getting really stoked for this trip - Its been WAY too long in the making and its just the begining ....

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