Well lets see ... whats going on ....
I am writing this as I sit on the couch, typing away on my new 'puter enjoying a snow day ... yes, that's right, Vancouver got a crap load of snow (well for them anyways ...) overnight and since I take the bus to work and the roads are total crap today, I took it upon myself to take a snow day ... seeing as 90% of my coworkers are away for a conference, who needs me there anyways!
Its been a rather busy start to the new year so far. Phil and I have managed to get out 4 times so far to Whistler to rip it. We took this past weekend off to recoup (I took an awesome bail last weekend and 'effed up my left ankle. Nothing serious ... I don't think but its a tad tender so no need to wreck it more with the rest of the season ahead of me), and do some much needed things around the house. And now that the condo is all set up and is feeling like home, its up again on Saturday!
Stacey and I have been taking full advantage of the Monday nite Girls Ride for FREE event at one of the local mountains, Mt. Seymour and last night was no exception. Sadly though, it would seem that the cat has been let out of the bag and there must have been about 300 people there. Needless to say, the lift lines were out of control and after 2 hrs on the mountain, we only had gotten in 4 runs. Add to that my sore ankle and it was decided that beers were what we needed to end the nite.
I've also started training for my first ever 10K run! I know, some of you are shaking you head wondering why I would subject myself to something some may consider torture, but its something that I really want to do. Its actually one of 2 runs that I will be participating in this year. The first is the Vancouver Sun Run on April 20th - 10K and the second is the CIBC Run for the Cure in October - 5K. I'm now on a 3 day a week training program and so far its been really great. Getting out and on the pavement is actually more stress relieving that I thought it would be. Phil has been training with me too, so its been really nice to have someone with me to talk to and keep me motivated.
Other than that not too much going on - The Bday is just around the corner and so far I am dealing fairly well with this being the last year of my 20s.
P and I are in the midst planning out vacations for this year - Road Trip to Cali and Coachella in April and 2 weeks in Europe in August! Both are super exciting and I am really looking forward to backpacking thought Amsterdam, Switzerland, Germany, France and England. Its pretty much a dream coming true!
And that been the last few weeks in a nutshell ...
Sheesh, I guess more was going on than I thought .....
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