Saturday, April 12, 2008

My First Ride

Today it was a day to be outside. Though poor Phil was suffering a horrible hangover (Ken & Anne are heading back to TDot and it was their Going Away/Home Party last nite), I managed to get up and at them at a reasonable hour and try to make the day work for me.

The weather was just perfect – sunny, warm and dry. So my gf Amberlea and I headed up to Lynn Headwaters Regional Park and she proceeded to give me my first bike lesson. And I have to tell you – what a blast!

Am was gracious enough to lend me her extra set of shin/knee pads and thank gawd she did! I took a few awesome bails (I fell sideways off a bridge into a large swampish puddle, I took a header off a friggen short ass drop and slammed my bike into my crotch a few time … that was a tad painful!)

BUT overall I learned lots of stuff: some peddle positioning, how to get up over logs and roots and then push myself forward and shoot my arse back and out and to follow my line and not look down. All of her tips made is much easier to take on the trail and Am was so patient with me, waiting as I struggled with some of the climbing sections and when I bailed. And totally motivating too!

By the end of the ride I managed to get across a short log bridge, up over a ton of obstacles and feel like I sort of knew what I was doing.

Now I am uber stoked for my clinics and cant wait to get out there again and again and again …..

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