Thursday, June 18, 2009

Life and Whats Been Going On!

I have no idea where to start

So much has happened over the last month and only now am I finding the time to get it all down …

Let’s start with Coles Notes and I’ll elaborate where I can:

First off, I finished up my Mountain Biking Progression Session with Endless Biking and LOVED every second of it and improved leaps and bounds. Made some great new friends and have been out riding as much as I can.

I did manage to get hurt pretty bad on my bike a few times though, causing loads of gnarly blue, purple and black bruises to cover my legs and arms for weeks. Also scored a nasty pedal cut across the back of my calf which gushed for about an hour but I rode it out and finally I almost broke my wrist in a bail … sounds terrible I know, but its all in a good month of riding.

I also helped out at the North Shore Bike Fest with my mountain biking club the Muddbunnies, raising funds for our club with a Bike Wash and Lube Station. We managed to raise almost $200 and I got my picture splashed all over the web on various bike sites. Who could miss a purple haired gal toting around a HUGE sign with a giant pink bunny head on it?

I’ve been keeping up with my fitness training 3 time a week with my crazy Kiwi Trainer Dave at the gym and have started to see some great results. Its just weeks now till my visit home and I can’t wait to hop in the pool at my Dad’s. This girl is getting FIT! Never done so many lunges and squats before but I can really see and more importantly feel the changes and improvements in my body.

In 3 days I will ride from Vancouver to Seattle on the Ride to Conquer Cancer, a 2 day 200km ride to benefit Cancer Research and the BC Cancer Foundation. I am scared shitless at the idea of riding that far, but keeping it in perspective. Cancer is hard, this will be nothing close to that kind of hard.

Ummm, what else …

I am in the midst of planning a fundraiser for the Muddbunnies. It’s a 40’s themed event and one of the first that we are hosting that is open to to the boys, being that we are a ladies only club. I have committed to making all the food and appies for the event so its gonna be a good few days of hard work in the kitchen to make it all come together. The menu consists of  Olive & Red Pepper Tapenade, Goat Cheese & Onion Bruschetta, Cucumber Coins with Cream Cheese and Smoked Salmon, Chicken Satays with Spicy Peanut Sauce, Crab stuffed Mushroom Caps and Spinach Bits with Yogurt Sauce – YUMMY!!

And finally I AM SUPER STOKED to be heading home for a well overdue and much needed visit with my Family and Friends in July/August. I cannot wait to see everyone and catch up properly with my friends over cold beers and never ending glasses of wine.

So I guess that’s it … phew ….

Oh right, there is one more thing to announce:


That’s right, just a few more weeks and I will no longer be under the thumb of Cushman & Wakefield.

Some of you may be shocked to read this, but the decision to leave has not been a snap one or one without lots of thought. It’s been a very hard 6 months at the office and to keep myself sane and true it is clear that its now time to leave.

I have decided to follow my dreams and make a career out of travelling and working in the travel and tourism industry. I have signed up to take a Travel & Tourism diploma program at the Canadian Tourism Collage and will be starting up on August 24th.

It’s a part time course, ending in February May 2010

After I graduate I am making plans to travel to New Zealand to work for a few months before heading off to meet P in South Africa for our month long World Cup and African Adventure.

And can I just mention this one more time please?

P is amazing, so unconditionally supportive, and while he and I both know that me going back to school will be tough on the finances, its nothing we've not had to deal with before and that at the end of the day, allowing me to following my dreams is what matters most.

So as of June 30th I am a free bird and I have never felt better - Here’s to following your dreams and being true to your self!

Phew ….

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

CHEERS TO YOU, LADY! Hooray for travel, and family, and everything good that's happening!!! Big hugs :)