Over the years, I have come to assume that I was one of those people who did not have a Passion.
Nothing ever seemed to stir up the feelings in me that are required in order to be deemed Passionate about something
At least, so I thought.
It seems that things may have taken a turn, and I may in fact have found my Passion.
When I really sit down and think about it, I can't believe it’s taken this long to realize.
It's so very clear.
Reasons why I’ve not acknowledged it before I do not know.
I have has this Passion since I was a child.
Yet I always ignored it, pushing it aside for things I thought better suited for the role.
It’s not controversial or unacceptable.
I have acted on this Passion numerous times and I long for the next opportunities to do so again.
Why did it take me so long to notice what was right in front of me?
And how I did I come to find my Passion, you may ask.
Brace yourself for it, because it’s deep …
I found my Passion while I was …………………
watching T.V.
I told you it was a deep one.
BUT, is it not more important to focus on the fact that I have now established and am embracing my Passion, then to dwell on HOW I actually came to realize it?
So I digress,
I have found my Passion.
And now there is a sense of calm about me.
A feeling that I no longer have to search for something.
A feeling that what ever was missing before has now been found.
How do I know I have found my Passion?
Well, according to these sites, I have the perquisites for deeming it my Passion:
And so now it is time.
Time to act on my new found Passion.
I am Excited and Scared.
I am Nervous and Energized.
What is my Passion?
My Passion is the WORLD.
In every way and with everything that is has to offer.
Culture, Lands, People, Food, Language
The diversity and uniqueness that is at every turn.
The ability to learn and grow and absorb from every angle.
That is my Passion.
Nothing ever seemed to stir up the feelings in me that are required in order to be deemed Passionate about something
At least, so I thought.
It seems that things may have taken a turn, and I may in fact have found my Passion.
When I really sit down and think about it, I can't believe it’s taken this long to realize.
It's so very clear.
Reasons why I’ve not acknowledged it before I do not know.
I have has this Passion since I was a child.
Yet I always ignored it, pushing it aside for things I thought better suited for the role.
It’s not controversial or unacceptable.
I have acted on this Passion numerous times and I long for the next opportunities to do so again.
Why did it take me so long to notice what was right in front of me?
And how I did I come to find my Passion, you may ask.
Brace yourself for it, because it’s deep …
I found my Passion while I was …………………
watching T.V.
I told you it was a deep one.
BUT, is it not more important to focus on the fact that I have now established and am embracing my Passion, then to dwell on HOW I actually came to realize it?
So I digress,
I have found my Passion.
And now there is a sense of calm about me.
A feeling that I no longer have to search for something.
A feeling that what ever was missing before has now been found.
How do I know I have found my Passion?
Well, according to these sites, I have the perquisites for deeming it my Passion:
And so now it is time.
Time to act on my new found Passion.
I am Excited and Scared.
I am Nervous and Energized.
What is my Passion?
My Passion is the WORLD.
In every way and with everything that is has to offer.
Culture, Lands, People, Food, Language
The diversity and uniqueness that is at every turn.
The ability to learn and grow and absorb from every angle.
That is my Passion.
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