And today I took one GIANT leap in starting that move .... I took the plunge and QUIT MY JOB today!
I was planning on waiting another week or so but the time felt right and so, into my boss' office I went with resignation letter in hand, shut the door and just blurted out that I was moving .... to Vancouver ... at the end of June!
To be honest, I had no idea how this news was going to be taken and to my surprise it was met with good wishes and smiles! Not that they want to see my go (...right?) but to know that my office is supportive of my decision to move across the country and start a new life is more than I had hoped for.
I fully thought it would be "Here's your hat, where's your hurry!" But that’s not the case at all!
And the icing on the cake is this: My boss is gonna work his contacts for little old me and help me get a new job in Vancouver! Now that I didn’t see coming at all.
So now I have 5 weeks in which to pack up all that is coming with me to B.C., store all that is not (and that’s most of my shit lol) and get my self ready to move far, far away!
But never fear! I will be in touch and will be blogging my llittle butt off during my cross Canada adventure as I make my way to my new home!
Well, I don't know what happened there! I wrote a comment and then promptly, accidentally, deleted it! LOL! Well, I'll say it again - here's to you chicky! The bold moves often prove to be the most rewarding :) All the best of luck on your adventure :) ~Kim
James and I are reading this together. Do not expect suggestions for books from James. He told me to say that!
Try Labryinth by Kate Moss.
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