Saturday, June 5, 2010

National Day of the Girl: Sign our ePetition

Did you know that in the poorest regions of the world, millions of girls face barriers to survival and development simply because they’re girls.

It’s time to take action! Girls’ rights are human rights. And here’s the really interesting thing. It’s proven that Investing in girls is the key to reducing global poverty. When we support the rights of girls, we create a better world for everyone.

Stand up for girls today! Sign our petition and tell the Canadian government to declare September 22 as the National Day of the Girl. If our own government takes leadership, we’ll be one step closer to lobbying the United Nations to declare September 22 as the International Day of the Girl.

An international Day of the Girl will focus the world’s attention on the importance of girls’ rights. It will create a foundation for advocacy to ensure that girls get the investment and recognition they deserve as citizens and as powerful agents of change within their own families, communities and nations.

Lend your voice to a global movement for change advocating for the rights of girls, and a better world for all of us. Help us get the Canadian government on board!

We the undersigned call on the Canadian Government to show their commitment to the promotion of the rights of girls by proclaiming September 22 as National Day of the Girl.

Because I am a Girl Documentary from Plan Canada on Vimeo.

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