Saturday, February 14, 2009


Valentines Day makes most people think of red roses, chocolate, candy hearts and their loved one.

And I am no exception. However, I don’t subscribe to all the BS that seems to come with the “Hallmark” Holiday.

I don’t agree with the need to spend silly amounts of cash on trinkets and gift.

I don’t agree with feeling pressured to go out to an uber fancy restaurant with a big price tag.

I do agree with giving gifts that come from the heart and not just the wallet.

I do agree with having a wonderful meal and spending time connecting, laughing and just being together.

My Valentine gave me a gift this year that showed me how much he knows and loves me.

It started on Friday night.

Friday had proved to be a shitty day at work, with lots to catch up on and get done from my week away. So to beat the stress, I decided to work it out hard at the gym.

Annoyed that I got home late, I had just enough time to make and scarf back the “Erin Special” (What’s that you ask? Well, when strapped for time I throw together the following : 1 tomato diced, ½ cucumber diced, ¼ red onion finely chopped, 1 grilled turkey burger, diced, all tossed together in an EVOO, Balsamic vinegar, Dijon mustard and lemon juice dressing, with oregano to garnish) and headed off to the gym.

Being that it was my first day back on The Program after playing hooky for the week it was a hard workout. The cardio was hard, the crunches were hard and the weights were hard. But even so, I felt awesome after it all. Endorphins are becoming my new BFFs.

Side Note: Phil and I have a rule. Since the gym is close enough for me to walk to, we have agreed that unless he is home and I can take the car, I will walk to the gym, however since its usually dark out when I am done, and he is not cool with me walking home in the dark alone (an frankly, neither am I), he will pick me up. This usually works out quite well with both our schedules.

And as usual, when I was done sweating it out, my man and my chariot were awaiting me.

Although I was feeling good after the workout, I was unsure if I still wanted to go out. I was pooped.

We had talked about going to see a movie all day, but the times didn’t seem to work out and what I wanted to see was not something that P was totally up for.

As most of you know, I am a horror movie fanatic and have been highly anticipating the release of the new Friday The 13th flick. And as most of you know, Phil dose not share in my love of the gore fests.

So when I walked through the door, all sweaty and still sort of moody, I was shocked to see a single STUNNING long stemmed red rose in a vase on the counter with 2 tickets to the 10:30 showing beside it. What a Guy that Phil, taking his crazy lady to see a classic slasher flick remake (on opening night, Friday the 13th, no less).
Needless to say, I was more than stoked and hopped in the shower.

The movie was packed! We had to line up before the movie for about 20 minutes, not something I have done in a LONG while. Good thing we had agreed to get there early, anticipating a big crowd. And it was totally worth it. We got the perfect seats - middle of the row, 1/2 way up. Score.

The movie was a reworking of the franchise and it was very true to its originals (IMHO). As a long time Jason fan, I was excited to see how they worked in parts of the old movies. Lots of references that you could tell all us Jason Junkies caught onto. I won’t go into details, but if you are a fan, you will not be disappointed in this “homage” to Mr. Voorhees.

Not the most romantic or typical of date flicks, but it was a wonderful night nonetheless. Complete with ridiculously large bag of popcorn and a diet coke I could have taken a bath in.

In the words of Chanandler Bong “Perfection. The best start to Valentines Day this gal could ask for.

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