Six names I go by: (present and past)
1. Erin
2. EDot
3. Tiny
4. Er
5. ET
6. Erinsky (that one is reserved for my Dad only!)
Six Jobs I have had in my life
1. Retail Sales
2. Office Manager
3. Assistant Department Manager
4. Receptionist
5. Dry Cleaner Runner (most horrid job ever!)
6. Admin/Sales Assistant
Six Places I have lived
1. Mississauga, ON
2. Toronto, ON
3. Vancouver, BC
4. And that’s all folks
Six Favorite drinks
1. Stoli & Cran
2. Perrier with lemon
3. Starbuck Skinny Late
4. Coffee with milk
5. Green Tea
6. Skim Milk
Six TV Shows that I watch
1. Bones
2. Dexter
3. House
4. The Office
5. Coronation Street
6. 90210 (ya, ya, I know what you're thinking ...)
Six places I have been
1. London, England
2. Amsterdam, The Netherlands
3. Berlin, Germany
4. Prague, Czech Republic.
5. Barbados
6. Dominican Republic
Six people that e- mail me regularly
1. Phil
2. Kristen
3. Linda
4. Andrea
5. My Mom
6. My Bro - Dave
Six of my favorite foods
1. Chicken & Veggie Stir-fry
2. My Lasagna ;P
3. Sushi
4. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Ice Cream (sadly, it has not touched my lips in ages)
5. Turkey Burgers with all the fixin’s
6. Anything Mom Made
Six favorite things to do
1. Traveling
2. Skiing
3. Mountain Biking
4. Reading
5. Cooking
6. Road Trips!
Six least favorite things to do
1. Cleaning of any kind
2. Laying the smack down at work, cuz no one else has the balls too
3. Getting Angry/Yelling
4. Working overtime
5. Getting up when there is a 5 on the alarm clock (sadly this happens FAR too often these days)
6. Weekly Retail, Industrial and Research meetings (OMG, SO boring but yet mandatory, ugh!)
Six Things I am looking forward to
1. Coachella!!
2. My visit home in August!!!!!
3. Bike season
4. Summer BBQ’s on the beach
5. My next inking ;)
6. Finally getting out of DEBT!!
Six friends I think will respond
1. Andrea.
2. Kim.
3. Kristen
4. Dave
5. Linda
6. ???